Anapolon (Oxymetholone) 25mg – Pharmacom Oxymetos

Anapolon (Oxymetholone) 25mg – Pharmacom Oxymetos


  • Strength
  • Muscle Gain
  • Fat/Water Loss
  • Side Effects
  • Keep Gains

Dosage: 25mg – 100mg / day

Chemical Name: Oxymetholone

Quantity: 100 Tabs

Product may differ from picture


Anapolan (Anadrol) is derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and has a short half-life of 8 to 9 hours so is a daily dosed steroid available in oral form.

While the benefits of Anadrol can be huge, the downsides also can’t be ignored so before you start using Anadrol make sure you’re aware of what it can do for you: both the good and the bad.

Oxymetholone, the chemical compound with the brand name Anadrol is an anabolic and androgenic steroid that is available in oral form and is one of the most well-known and respected steroids in the bodybuilding, strength and powerlifting world.

Anadrol can add massive bulk in a short period of time precisely because that was the original purpose behind its invention: to help people suffering from muscle wasting diseases to put on weight quickly through increased appetite and encouragement of muscle growth.

Additionally, it was developed to treat anemia which tells us that Anapolan (Anadrol) has a very positive impact on red blood cell function – a critical area for strength, power and muscle growth.

As with all anabolic steroids and particularly oral ones, Anadrol comes with its side effects so if you’re considering using Anadrol make sure you’re aware of the potential downsides and how to best use this compound to get maximum results and minimum negative impacts.

The popularity of the anabolic steroid, Anadrol has always been on an upward accent in the bodybuilding community. Mass gainers, athletes, and general fitness enthusiasts regard it as one of the most potent and fastest mass gainers. However, there is a catch that should not be overlooked by your passion to turn bigger and stronger.
Anadrol has a structure that resembles that of the male anabolic hormone, testosterone, which supports muscle-building, strength, and fat loss. In fact, some argue that its effects are comparatively faster and stronger, which gives Anadrol its extreme fitness-boosting powers.

In addition to boosting red blood cells and imitating testosterone, anadrol lowers the concentration of globulin. This leads to a rise in bioavailable testosterone that the body can use to ramp up muscle gain and strength.
The half-life of Anadrol is around 5-9 hours, and many choose to cycle the steroid in the off-season to produce mass.

Dosage Instructions

25mg – 100mg / day

Anadrol is a very simple steroid to take and does not require the stress and pain of injecting like most other compounds. A once daily dosage is the path that most users take.
Most Anadrol tablets come in 25-50mg dosages, making it convenient to consume the optimal dosage of Anadrol which is either 25-50mg or 100mg daily.

More is not necessarily better when comes to Anadrol. Studies have shown that you can hit peak gains with a dosage of around 100mg daily, with gains falling after this amount while side effects increase.

Therefore, the optimal dosage of Anadrol needs to be carefully considered so you’re getting the perfect balance of positive results without stressing the liver to the point where you cause damage, plus experience other side effects that would negate your gains.
Everyone will differ, but in most circumstances, you will benefit greatly from a dosage of 100mg per day, while keeping to a cycle to 4-6 weeks maximum not only to prevent liver stress.
Gains with Anadrol are known to drop off after this amount of time so there is little to no benefit extending the Cycle length, and instead allowing other steroid compounds to take over and continue to build on your gains for the rest of the cycle.
For this exact reason that Anadrol is so widely used as powerful Kickstarter steroid at the start of a cycle to build mass quickly.

Unlike some other steroids, there is not a huge disparity in dosages across people of experience levels.

The main reasons for this are that firstly, Anadrol is highly effective at moderate doses and is known to drop off in effectiveness if you go too high, while side effects increase too much to outweigh benefits.

Secondly, the level of liver toxicity Anadrol causes is always going to be a limiting factor when it comes to dosage. This is not a steroid that can or should (or indeed need to) be dosed at excessive levels.

Beginner Anadrol Cycle
A beginner can easily start on a 50mg dosage of Anadrol and see exceptional results quickly, but if you’re concerned about side effects and this is your first ever Anadrol cycle, a half tablet of 25mg will still be highly effective and will reduce adverse effects until you learn how to control them. A 4-week cycle is considered suitable for a beginner.

Intermediate Anadrol Cycle
Intermediate users can still benefit greatly from a 50mg per day dosage with very fast gains in strength and mass seen.

Increasing to 100mg daily can be considered if you have the side effects under control and at this point you should be using either 0.5mg or 1mg of Arimidex daily during the cycle to mitigate those estrogenic side effects.

A 6-week cycle length is recommended as the maximum to avoid severe liver toxicity.

Advanced Anadrol Cycle
An advanced user will either be using Anadrol to massively bulk up or for a highly specific cutting purpose. However, if used at the front end of your cyclefor bulking, 100mg daily for 4-6 weeks is likely where the most advanced users will start, combined with 1mg of Arimidex every day to combat side effects.

Making use of other compounds is essential for an advanced Anadrol cycle, at a bare minimum being Test Cyp at 500mg per week for 8-12 weeks, with Deca-Durabolin at at least 200mg weekly for 8-12 weeks being a common inclusion.
While many advanced users (and even some beginners) boast of using Anadrol at 200mg or more daily to get substantial gains, this comes at great risk of both immediate side effects and liver damage.

Stacking Anadrol
Whether you’re a beginner or advanced user, the majority are going to be using Anadrol as part of a stack (whether it be with just one or multiple other steroids), at the start of a cycle which provides a big kick start for the rest of the cycle when the other steroid compounds will take over in effectiveness while Anadrol stops at the 4–6-week mark.

Any stack with Anadrol is going to produce extremely effective results, and quickly. In a cutting stack it’s common to stack Anadrol with Winstrol at a dosage of anywhere between 25 to 100mg of Winstrol; but keep in mind that Winstrol is also very liver toxic. A quality strength and cutting stack of Anadrol at 100mg and Winstrol at 50mg is tried and tested amongst many users.

Another common stack is Anadrol and Dianabol with lower dosages of each, with Dianabol extending to 6 weeks and Anadrol stopping at 4 weeks. For this stack cycle, using Anadrol at 50mg daily and Dianabol at 200mg weekly is likely to produce dramatic results very quickly.

Perhaps the simplest and guaranteed to see extreme results stack is one consisting of 50mg of Anadrol daily for the first 6 weeks, combined with Test E at 500mg weekly and Deca-Durabolin at 400mg weekly for 12 weeks.

The cycle is followed by a two week break then followed up with 3 weeks of PCT (100mg/day Clomid for 10 days then followed up with 50mg/day Clomid for another 10 days). This stack will allow rapid gains at the start with Anadrol, while testosterone and Deca kick in as slower acting injectables for the remained of the cycle