Beta-Alanine 120 Caps -Nutricon

Beta-Alanine 120 Caps -Nutricon


Not everyone likes the “tingling” sensation, referred to scientifically as paraesthesia, associated with Beta Alanine. As such, we have made a stand alone Beta-Alanine product that hardcore users, or perhaps just those looking for the extra edge can mix in their pre, or use on its own.

With the obvious exception of creatine Monohydrate, Beta-Alanine is one of the most clinically and scientifically proven supplements that can increase time to exhaustion by delaying muscular fatigue, and can have a pronounced and positive effect on overall power output.

Directions for use:

Take 3 capsules 30 minutes before training and 3 capsules after training. On non-training days, take 1 serving. Do not exceed recommended dosage.