Lipotroxin (60 Caps) 350mg

Lipotroxin (60 Caps) 350mg


Dosage: 1-2 Caps / day

Quantity: 60 Caps

Product may differ from picture


Lipotroxin is known for its appetite suppresant effects , along with the fact that it provides sustained energy throughout the day , and it also acts as a slight herbal diuretic.

Ingredients of Lipotroxin: Buchu Leaf , Couchgrass Rhizome , Hydrangea Root , Uva Ursi Leaf , Dandelion
Root extract , Ephedra Extract , Vitamin B6 , Magnesium Gluconate , L-taurine.

Dosage: Take 2 capsules in the morning upon awakening. Do not use more than 2 capsules in any 24 hour period.

Warning: Do not use this product if you are pregnant or nursing or attempting to become pregnant. Contains caffeine. Do not combine with other sources of caffeine or stimulants. Too much caffeine may cause nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, and occasionally rapid heartbeat. Do not take this product if you have any pre-existing medical condition or if you are using any prescription or over-the-counter medi.

Effect on cycle

  • Rapid Fat Loss
  • Decreased Appetite
  • All Day Energy
  • Natural Diuretic
  • Intense focus and alertness