Supplement Bulking Stack
- 10%

Supplement Bulking Stack

Original price was: R2,425.00.Current price is: R2,180.00.

Absolute Amino (EAAS) 320g - Nutricon

Nutricon’s Absolute Amino have been formulated to help reduce the time it takes your muscles to recover, whilst offering sustained energy and muscle building contributing properties.

There are 20 Amino Acids of which 9 are considered essential and used by the body to rebuild muscle. These 9 Amino Acids are required by the body to help construct new tissue and aid muscle repair and are deemed ‘essential’ since ultimately, they cannot be synthesised or created by the body and therefore the only way we can get them is through foods and supplementation.

Malto Dextrin 2kg - Nutricon

Maltodextrin is a modified carbohydrate that has attributes of both simple, and complex carbohydrates. It is rapidly digested and assimilated much like glucose, but due to the fact that it has a much lower osmolarity, it is far less inclined to cause gastrointestinal discomfort and/or bloating, making it the ideal beverage to consume during, or for bracketing one’s workouts.

This will help sustain energy levels during workouts, replenish muscle glycogen and most importantly to assist the spike of insulin strategically and more effectively to assist nutrient partitioning into muscle cells.

Creatine Monohydrate 200g - Nutricon

Loading Phase: It is recommended to load for 3 days, take 2 teaspoons (10 g) twice daily. On days of your workout, take 2 teaspoons before your workout and 2 teaspoons (10 g) after your workout.

After Loading: Take 1 teaspoon (5 g) twice daily. As with all Creatine products, maintain an adequate state of hydration during use


Shuttle GDA - Nutricon

Shuttle was designed to be a turn-key glucose disposal agent (GDA). GDA’s assist with nutrient partitioning into muscle cells, replenishing muscle glycogen, increasing insulin sensitivity and assisting with normal and healthy glucose and insulin metabolism. For strength training athletes in particular, all of these facets greatly assist with muscle volume, fullness, hardness, vascularity, recovery, strength and of course, performance. Notwithstanding that maintaining healthy glucose levels is a cornerstone of overall health and wellness and reducing overall inflammation.

Other GDA products on the market have included constituents that simply slow gastric clearance and hinder the absorption of carbohydrates, which is completely counterintuitive around training times and for rapid glycogen replenishment- when GDA’s are most used by informed strength training athletes for benefit. We have deliberately omitted those products which slow gastric emptying, focusing rather on that which matters.

Ultimate Porridge 1kg - Nutricon

Unlike other products on the market, Ultimate porridge is a delicious performance hybrid cereal containing both 60% rice flour, and 30% oat flour. In lieu of being a pure “cream of rice” product, this cereal combines both oats and rice to deliver the benefits of both carbohydrate sources. We have done this to best assist the consumer with greater satiety levels while delivering carbohydrates in a far more sustained and controlled manner than just rice flour alone. This prevents ebbs and troughs in blood sugar levels, keeping energy levels far more sustained and consistent during the day and during exercise allowing one to perform maximally and at one’s best, for longer.

This easy mixing cereal also contains Himalayan pink salt right at the offset, added to replenish minerals and electrolytes lost through perspiration and strenuous exercise expenditure. With the added oat flour, we have also created a product that is geared toward keeping muscle glycogen levels fuller for longer.

Delicious, easy to mix, very easy to digest and very easy for the body to utilise and assimilate.

Absolute Amino (EAAS) 320g - Nutricon


Mango Madness, Blue Raspberry, Citrus Bomb

Ultimate Porridge 1kg - Nutricon


Unflavored, Blueberry Cheese Cake, Chocolate, Milk Tart